The Board is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance.

The Board's role

The Board is collectively responsible for delivering sustainable, profitable growth of the business globally and driving long-term value for the shareholders of Dr. Martens plc.

The fundamental role of the Board is to set a clear tone from the top by providing entrepreneurial leadership of the business and custodianship of the Dr. Martens brand.

The Board sets the Company’s strategy and holds management to account for its delivery, always with a view to securing the success of the business over the longer term. It is also responsible for ensuring that strategy aligns with and promotes our organisational culture, which is rooted in a family approach of “doing the right thing” that goes back to our origins as a family business. Additionally, through the Audit and Risk Committee, the Board oversees the Group’s systems of internal control and risk management.

Whilst ultimately accountable to shareholders, the Board has a responsibility to represent the interests of the Group’s stakeholders when setting strategic objectives, implementing core policies and developing our organisational culture and capabilities. 

Reserved matters

In addition to its general responsibilities and duties, the Board has agreed that certain authorities relating to areas of strategic significance be reserved as matters for the Board alone, whilst other specific responsibilities have been delegated to the appropriate Committees. The full schedule of all matters reserved for the Board’s approval is available here:

Schedule of matters reserved for the Board’s attention

Corporate Governance Statement

Our Corporate Governance Statement, setting out how we apply the Principles and comply with the Provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018, can be found here.

Leadership team

Execution of the Group’s strategy and day-to-day management of the Company’s activities are delegated to the Executive Directors with the support of the leadership team. Members of the leadership team and other senior managers from across the business are regularly invited to present at Board meetings and engage in debate on specific matters about which the Board may require greater insight.

Board Committees

To maximise its effectiveness and ensure sufficient time and attention can be devoted to the key matters requiring its attention, the Board has delegated authority in certain areas to its principal Board Committees. More information about our Board Committees and their full terms of reference can be found here.

Articles of Association
Tax Strategy Statement